The Business Degree
The business degree is a popular degree because it is so versatile. If you enjoy numbers, you can work in accounting or finance. If you care about people, you might concentrate on human resources. If you are creative, marketing might be for you. Even if you want to work in a field like art or sports management, understanding how your business works can give you and edge. Many small business owners or self-employers find that taking business class helps them achieve their goals. Ideally, business classes should make a student think objectively about the decision making process. Such research and analytical skills come in handy in diverse careers like law, psychology, and healthcare. Commerce touches everyone in some way and learning about it could lead to some interesting self-discovery as well. Understanding your own goals and the factors in society that impact your business will help you succeed in your chosen career track.
Each school in Study Tennessee has excellent business programs. lists several in their top 10 picks for 2018. Rhodes College, Lipscomb University, and Trevecca Nazarene University are all small private institutions in large cities. They can provide personalized attention to students while offering them access to major companies located in Tennessee. UT-Knoxville and ETSU are large, public institutions in small to medium-sized cities. ETSU combines technological fields such as computing and engineering into its College of Business and Technology (CBAT). The University of Memphis prides itself on providing a holistic approach to business excellence including healthy living, networking, and business etiquette. They also have The Cook Lab which mimics a Wall Street trading firm.